Cindy Danieles

Cindy Danieles

Thoroughbred ‘Pinay’ born in Cebu, she came to Denmark at the age of four and grew up in a village in Jutland with no Filipinos nearby. She is now based in Copenhagen and just finished her master in Digital Design and Communication from IT-University of Copenhagen.

Cindy has traveled around the world and prefers to combine it with voluntary work. She has worked with sanitary projects in the motherland, the Philippines, as a music coordinator in the Middle East and has been engaged with various volunteer projects in Denmark. Now she is the true octopus of the P-NOiSE Festival, from fundraising, social media and PR to coordination of the gallery and the volunteers. Also in her professional life, Cindy’s passion for project management has come to show. At the latest through crime preventive projects in Hotspot Nørrebro and Mimerskvarter, Vibo.
